Yadros Majors

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Our Majors 104

Computer Science

Computer Science is the study of computers and computational systems.

Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering involves the study of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism.

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering involves the study of mechanical systems and processes.

Business Administration

Business Administration involves the management and organization of business activities.


Psychology is the scientific study of the mind, behavior, and mental processes.


Biology is the study of living organisms and their interactions with the environment.


Chemistry is the study of matter, its properties, composition, and reactions.


Physics explores the fundamental principles governing the natural world and energy.


Mathematics involves the study of numbers, quantities, shapes, and patterns.

Environmental Science

Environmental Science studies the interactions between humans and the environment.

Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering involves the design and construction of infrastructure and buildings.


Economics studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

Political Science

Political Science studies the theory and practice of government and politics.


History is the study of past events, cultures, and societies.

English Literature

English Literature explores written works in the English language.


Sociology studies human society and social behavior.


Nursing involves the care and support of individuals for better health outcomes.


Marketing involves promoting products and services to target audiences.


Finance involves managing money, investments, and financial planning.


Communications involves the study of human communication and media.

Graphic Design

Graphic Design involves creating visual content for communication purposes.

Information Technology

Information Technology involves the use of computers and technology for data management.

Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice involves the study of crime, law enforcement, and legal systems.


Education involves the study of teaching and learning processes.

International Relations

International Relations involves the study of interactions between countries.


Philosophy explores fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, and values.

Theater Arts

Theater Arts involves the study and performance of theatrical works.


Nutrition involves the study of food, diet, and its impact on health.

Public Health

Public Health involves the study of health at the population level.


Anthropology studies human societies, cultures, and their development.

Fine Arts

Fine Arts involve creative expression through visual and performing arts.


Geography studies the Earth's physical features and human populations.


Music involves the study and creation of musical compositions and performances.

Social Work

Social Work involves helping individuals and communities to enhance their well-being.


Architecture involves the design and planning of buildings and structures.

Fashion Design

Fashion Design involves creating clothing and accessories with aesthetic appeal.

Public Relations

Public Relations involves managing communication between organizations and the public.

Biomedical Science

Biomedical Science involves the study of the human body and medical research.

Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering involves optimizing complex processes and systems to improve efficiency.


Journalism involves researching, writing, and reporting news to inform the public.


Linguistics involves the scientific study of language and its structure.


Zoology involves the study of animals, their behavior, and their habitats.

Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering integrates engineering principles with medical sciences for healthcare solutions.


Drama involves the study and performance of theatrical works and expressions.

Earth Science

Earth Science involves the study of the Earth, including geology and environmental science.

Forensic Science

Forensic Science involves the application of scientific methods to solve crimes.

Gender Studies

Gender Studies explore the social, cultural, and political aspects of gender.

Hospitality Management

Hospitality Management involves overseeing the operations of hotels, restaurants, and related businesses.

Industrial Design

Industrial Design involves creating and improving the aesthetic and functional aspects of products.

Landscape Architecture

Landscape Architecture involves planning and designing outdoor spaces for aesthetic and functional purposes.

Marine Biology

Marine Biology involves the study of marine organisms and ecosystems.


Microbiology involves the study of microscopic organisms, including bacteria and viruses.

Peace Studies

Peace Studies involve the interdisciplinary study of conflict resolution and peacebuilding.

Religious Studies

Religious Studies involve the academic exploration of various religious traditions and beliefs.

Sports Management

Sports Management involves the administration and organization of sports-related activities.

Wildlife Conservation

Wildlife Conservation involves the protection and preservation of wild animal species.

Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace Engineering involves the design and development of aircraft and spacecraft.

Art History

Art History involves the study of visual art and its historical development.


Astrophysics involves the study of celestial bodies, the universe, and their physical properties.

Child and Family Studies

Child and Family Studies involve the examination of child development and family dynamics.


Dietetics involves the study of nutrition, diet planning, and promoting healthy eating habits.

Fashion Merchandising

Fashion Merchandising involves the promotion and sale of fashion products.

Health Science

Health Science involves the study of health and healthcare delivery.

Information Systems

Information Systems involve the design and management of computer-based information systems.

Legal Studies

Legal Studies involve the examination of legal systems, principles, and applications.


Meteorology involves the study of atmospheric conditions and weather patterns.

Software Engineering

Software Engineering involves the design, development, and maintenance of software applications.

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management involves the coordination and optimization of product supply processes.

Technical Writing

Technical Writing involves creating clear and concise documents for technical and scientific purposes.

Web Development

Web Development involves designing and building websites for various purposes.

Agricultural Science

Agricultural Science involves the study of farming, crop production, and soil management.

Animal Science

Animal Science involves the study of domesticated animals, their biology, and management.

Mining Engineering

Mining Engineering involves the extraction of valuable minerals and resources from the earth. It encompasses the design of mining processes, safety measures, and environmental considerations. Mining engineers play a crucial role in resource extraction and sustainable development.

Petroleum Engineering

Petroleum Engineering involves the exploration and extraction of oil and gas resources. It encompasses the design and optimization of drilling and production processes in the oil and gas industry. Petroleum engineers play a key role in meeting global energy demands.

Metallurgical Engineering

Metallurgical Engineering involves the study of metals and materials, including their extraction, processing, and utilization. It plays a crucial role in developing materials with specific properties for various applications in industries such as manufacturing and aerospace.

Structural Engineering

Structural Engineering involves the design and analysis of structures to ensure their safety, durability, and functionality. It includes the study of materials and their behavior under various conditions. Structural engineers contribute to the construction of safe and innovative buildings.

Veterinary Medicine

Veterinary Medicine involves the study and practice of medical care for animals. It includes the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of illnesses in various species. Veterinarians play a crucial role in promoting animal health and welfare.

Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering involves the application of chemical principles to design and optimize processes for the production of chemicals, materials, and energy. It combines principles of chemistry, physics, mathematics, and engineering to develop sustainable solutions for various industries.

Dentistry Medicine

Dentistry Medicine involves the study and practice of oral health, focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of dental and oral diseases. It includes preventive care, restorative procedures, and cosmetic dentistry. Dentists play a crucial role in promoting overall health through oral care.

Hospitality and Hotel Management

Hospitality and Hotel Management involves overseeing the operations of hotels, restaurants, and related establishments. It focuses on providing excellent customer service, managing staff, and ensuring smooth and efficient daily operations in the hospitality industry.

Tourism, Hospitality and Hotel Management

Tourism, Hospitality and Hotel Management involves the management of tourism-related businesses, hotels, and hospitality services. It covers aspects of customer satisfaction, event planning, and efficient daily operations in the tourism and hospitality industry.


The art and technique of capturing and creating images using a camera.

Human Resources Management

The strategic approach to managing an organization’s most valuable asset – its people.


The means of mass communication, including television, radio, newspapers, and the internet.


The art of creating motion pictures, telling stories through visual and auditory means.

Artificial Intelligence AI

The simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, including learning and problem-solving.

Game Design

The process of designing the content and rules of a game, creating interactive experiences.

K-12 Education

Studying K-12 Education prepares individuals to become teachers and educational leaders. It emphasizes pedagogy, curriculum design, and fostering a positive learning environment for students.

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