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The study of legal systems, regulations, and the principles that govern human conduct in society.

Criminal Justice Legal Studies

The analysis of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services in a society.

Economics Political Science Finance

The study of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases and injuries in humans.

Nursing Public Health Veterinary Medicine Dentistry Medicine Biomedical Science

The exploration of linguistic systems, communication, and cultural exchange between people.

Computer Science

Computer Science involves the study of algorithms, data structures, programming languages, and the design and analysis of computer systems. It plays a crucial role in developing software, creating innovative technologies, and solving complex problems in various fields.

Computer Science Information Technology Information Systems Artificial Intelligence AI Software Engineering Game Design Web Development

Agriculture involves the cultivation of soil and crops, animal husbandry, and the study of agricultural sciences. It plays a vital role in providing food, fiber, and raw materials for various industries.

Agricultural Science Agricultural Studies
Community Colleges

Community Colleges provide accessible and affordable higher education to local communities. They offer a variety of programs and serve as a bridge to universities and vocational training.


Education involves the process of facilitating learning and acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and habits. It plays a crucial role in personal and societal development.

K-12 Education Education Linguistics

Dentistry involves the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of oral diseases and conditions. It encompasses various specialties, including general dentistry, orthodontics, and oral surgery.

Dentistry Medicine
Health Sciences

Health Sciences involve the study of health and well-being, covering various disciplines such as medicine, nursing, and public health. It focuses on understanding and improving healthcare practices.

Public Health Veterinary Medicine Nursing Dietetics Health Science

Humanities encompass disciplines that study human culture, history, philosophy, literature, and the arts. They explore the human experience and contribute to a well-rounded education.

Sociology History
K-12 Education

K-12 Education involves the primary and secondary levels of education, from kindergarten to the twelfth grade. It focuses on foundational knowledge and skill development.


Pharmacy involves the study of medications, drug compounds, and their effects on the human body. It plays a crucial role in healthcare, ensuring the safe and effective use of medications.

Pharmacy Biomedical Science
Social Sciences

Social Sciences encompass disciplines that study society, human behavior, and social institutions. They explore relationships, cultures, and the impact of societal factors on individuals and communities.

Social Work Journalism Psychology History Sociology Philosophy Anthropology Child and Family Studies Gender Studies Geography Peace Studies Religious Studies
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